Pro-Life organization urges support for proven Right to Life leader
Nashville, July 12, 2016--The state's oldest and largest pro-life organization is urging pro-life voters to support Right to Life advocate Dolores Gresham for re-election to the state Senate.
"Dolores Gresham has been a proven friend to Tennessee's unborn children and to the state's pro-life movement" said Brian Harris, president of Tennessee Right to Life. "During her time at the Legislature, Tennessee has restored meaningful protections for human life and, in every instance, Gresham's voice and vote have helped to lead the way."
Gresham served as a prime sponsor of SJR 127, legislation placing pro-life Amendment 1 on the ballot for voter approval, said Harris. "There were many times where we couldn't know how the votes would come out. It was the strength of character, commitment and leadership demonstrated by Dolores Gresham and others like her which ultimately caused the pro-life position to prevail."
Early voting runs July 15 - July 30 and primary election day is Thursday, August 4.
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