Tennessee Right to Life PAC Urges You to Vote Susan Lynn for State House


The race for state House in the 57th district is of great importance to the statewide effort to protect life at the Tennessee Legislature!

In this race for Tennessee's 57th House district, Tennessee Right to Life Political Action Committee endorses Susan Lynn.

Susan has a demonstrated understanding of pro-life goals and has worked closely with Tennessee Right to Life to achieve them. As a prime sponsor of meaningful legislation, Representative Lynn has sacrificed to protect unborn children and their vulnerable moms.


Tennessee Right to Life urges concerned pro-life supporters to work and vote for Lynn in the primary election on Thursday, August 2.

Every Life Has Meaning...So Does Every Vote. Make Yours Count!


Early Voting: Friday, July 13 - Saturday, July 28

Election Day: Thursday, August 2

For more information, call toll free 1.877.CHOOSE LIFE


Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Paid by TRL PAC.

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